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Career Coaching


Ever since she left her corporate marketing career and became a freelance aviation and adventure writer, Lane has been finding and creating her own career path without any formal structure or pre-determined “ladder” to climb. At each step and turn, she had to figure out for herself which choice was the best step to take next; which path or direction would make her happiest. As a result, she learned a tremendous amount about how to make those decisions wisely and effectively, as well as how to gain the self-knowledge and grounded sense of peace with one’s self and choices that allow for strong decision-making.

In addition, Lane has 25 years of experience in successfully navigating male-dominated workplaces. As the first woman columnist at Flying magazine, she had to win the approval and respect of not only her male colleagues, but also a significant majority of the magazine’s 300,000 readers—96% of whom were men. And yet, Lane soon become one of the magazine’s most popular writers as well as its West Coast Editor. As a result, she has valuable, first-hand experience in how to be both effective and happy in male-dominated environments—knowledge she’s able to share with all of her coaching clients.

“After two years of coaching with Lane, my mindset about my self, confidence, career, and organizational adaptation has shifted completely. She helped me identify where I was stuck and what would help me be happier, as well as how to leverage my strengths and passions to create a more fulfilling career track. Lane also helped me build my skills in strategic thinking and planning, strategize how to deal with challenging interpersonal situations, and take smart risks to create opportunities for growth. As a result, I feel much more confident and grounded in myself, my performance reviews have improved dramatically, I got a significant promotion, and I was able to advocate successfully with leadership to create a fulfilling and exciting new role for me that builds on my skills and passions. Lane is an outstanding career/life coach and has been a vital resource in my ability to achieve so many meaningful accomplishments.”

—Coaching client at Google

Lane’s personal experience is also bolstered by the hundreds of interviews she’s conducted with business professionals in her many years as a journalist and author. She’s interviewed and gained insight from entrepreneurs, business leaders, educators, and therapists, as well as professional women around the country, and she brings that body of knowledge to her coaching and advice.

Lane has coached women in aviation, the high-tech world of start-ups and Silicon Valley, and even women-dominated industries like real estate. And while coaching is traditionally a talk-only field, Lane’s background as a professional writer and editor give her the added ability to help clients formulate resumes, performance reports, promotion rationales, and other work projects requiring strategic thinking, planning, and writing. In short, she’s an experienced player-coach who can provide a unique perspective and a variety of support for clients, depending on their needs.

“Lane provided invaluable advice when I was faced with a challenging decision regarding the course of my career. In retrospect, I can say with certainty that her counsel helped guide me to make the best decision for myself and my family.”

—Coaching Client

Additional coaching resources by Lane:


  • “Core Strength”—a regular column Lane writes for Aviation for Women, the magazine of the Women in Aviation, International organization. The column addresses issues related to strengthening women’s ability to make good career choices and be both effective and happy in a male-dominated industry. Women in Aviation, International has over 14,000 members, worldwide, who are pursuing careers in aviation and aerospace.


  • No Map. No Guide. No Limits.—In 2009, Lane founded the No Map. No Guide. No Limits. website to provide thought-provoking content related to the challenge of being yourself—in both professional and personal circles. It offers a wide variety of essays that address issues and questions related to career choices, individual fulfillment, and the rewards of exploring and adventure. It also offers perspectives and advice for women on surviving and being happy in male-dominated environments.


  • Core Strength: Being Happy and Having Impact in a World Run by MenLane’s latest book project combines her own hard-won wisdom and experience with more than three years of research and interviews with educators, therapists and professional women around the country. It covers what Core Strength is, why it matters, how women can build it, and finally how they can apply that knowledge and strength to successfully navigate the challenges of the professional world … especially in fields dominated by men.

For more information, contact Lane.

Lane recorded the following video early in the pandemic, for a virtual Women in Aviation, International conference. The book excerpts she references in the video are from an earlier version of her book Core Strength: Being Happy and Having Impact in a World Run by Men. In addition to a new title, the revised book places a greater emphasis on not only how women can build core strength, but also how they can apply that grounded self-knowledge to be happier and have greater impact in male-dominated work environments.

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